LCT offers various consultancy assignments across a diversified spectrum of organizations. Majority of the assignments will be undertaken by associate consultants who will also assist in diverse ways, including in proposal writing when called upon.
Our principle objective is to help organizations and other institutions remain relevant and competitive in the context of the dynamic environment. We therefore aim to provide market responsive, world class, cutting edge consultancy solutions to the modern day organization.
ii) Trainings
LCT offers training services to address the growing need for Continuous member, management and leadership development due to the rapid changes in management and leadership trends in Kenya, the East African region and globally.
LCT offers a comprehensive range of training services targeting middle and senior management managers. Our intervention will focus on Practical innovative solutions that create impact in our client organizations, developing exceptional managers and leaders as we build long term relationships and partnerships.
iii) Publishing and book distribution service
The lack of up to date books and the lack of appropriate education, information and training materials are very pronounced in Kenya, in East Africa and in Africa at large. It will be one of LCT’s aims to provide solutions and to become a leading developer and distributor of suitable well researched, appropriately designed and fairly priced books and training materials. Textbooks, case studies, organizational biographies, journals, newsletters and e-books will be made available to users in Kenya and beyond. In this connection, LCT enters into partnerships with local and international agencies for purposes of production and marketing of published materials relevant to the needs of co-operative training institutions as well as of the wider reading public.
iv) Executive and Organization Coaching
Coaching is the process of facilitating positive change through improved thinking. It’s about a coach helping a coachee find the shortest route to change or solutions via structured conversations. Coaching is not about counseling, it is not about teaching other than assisting self-directed learning. A coach will be like a mentor, someone to guide you and help you create a big vision. Unlike a mentor though, your coach will rarely advise but will instead facilitate self directed learning by giving you a place to try out new ideas or just be there as a sounding board while you work your way through the issue at hand. LCT is designed and undertake organization development (OD), including executive coaching and training for clients.
v) Organizations and individual Biographies
Today, Kenya has an impressive and growing number of co-operative organizations that are interesting and educative case studies in themselves. Starting with such leading national co-operative organizations as the Co-operative Bank, the Co-operative Insurance Group, National Housing Co-operative Union, the Kenya Co-operative Creameries, the Kenya planters Co-operative Union, the Co-operative College and the Kenya Union of savings and Credit Union, LCT shall set out to work towards marketing the idea that for educational, promotional and posterity reasons, organizational biographies should be compiled published and distributed to a wider audience and readership.
vi) Research and Development
LCT seeks to enlist strong collaboration with various co-operatives and other likeminded entities to undertake relevant and quality research assignments. The research focus is on the potential of co-operatives in new product/service development, marketing and value addition processes that contribute to the growth of the national economy. LCT is involved in collection and collation of data for decision-making and for co-operative education needs assessment in training and curriculum development.
vii) Leadership and Co-operative Governance Training
Leadership and co-operative governance training through LCT aims to address the growing need for continuous member, management and leadership development due to the rapid changes in management and leadership trends in Kenya, the East African region and globally. Assignments to associate consultants include research, training and proposal writing. Special training and mentoring emphasize mainstreaming youth in co-operatives.
The principal objective of LCT is to help clients remain relevant and competitive in the context of the dynamic environment by providing world class, cutting edge information and consultancy solutions to the modern day co-operative organization.